fourth week of Lent Schedule

Sunday, March 23
9:30am Liturgy - Third Sunday of Lent - The Cross
6:00pm - Pan-Orthodox Vespers @ Holy Trinity

Tuesday, March 25 - Annunciation
8:00am - Matins w/ Liturgy
* Annunciation “Baby Shower” to follow

Wednesday, March 26
6:00pm - Presanctified Liturgy
* Bible Study to follow

Friday, March 28
6:30pm - Akathist Service

Saturday, March 29 - Memorial Saturday
9:30am - Liturgy w/ Panikhida
* Church Cleaning to follow Panikhida
4pm - Great Vespers

Sunday, March 30
9:30am Liturgy - St. John the Ladder
6:00pm - Pan-Orthodox Vespers @ St. Elizabeth

We nurture a deeper relationship with God through worship, spiritual discipline, and warm fellowship, creating a life of faith that begins but doesn't end here.

Visitors are always welcome!