Upcoming events.


Divine Liturgy & Modern Orthodox Mission Retreat

Our guest speaker will be Fr. Justin Patterson with his wife Tamara. Fr. Justin is a pastor at St. Athanasius Orthodox Church in Nicholasville, KY. He is a missionary, husband and father of two boys. He is also a member of OCA Metropolitan Council.

The program for Sunday will be 9:30am - Liturgy. 11:30am - Coffee hour with a presentation from Fr. Justin.

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Modern Orthodox Mission Retreat

Our guest speaker will be Fr. Justin Patterson with his wife Tamara. Fr. Justin is a pastor at St. Athanasius Orthodox Church in Nicholasville, KY. He is a missionary, husband and father of two boys. He is also a member of OCA Metropolitan Council.

The program for Saturday will be 2-4pm - Choir workshop with Tamara Patterson. 4pm- Great Vespers. 4:45pm - Catechumens fellowship.

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to May 5

Pascha Precession and Pascha Service

Come and invite your relatives and friends! After service we Fr. will bless Pascha baskets, eggs, and Pascha night meal! Do not forget to prepare your Pascha baskets with eggs, Pascha bread, cheese, meat and vine!

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